The plot, real simple, is humanity created Sentinels to defeat the mutant threat once and for all, but the Sentinels designed to protect the human race turned on them. Now they have declared war on both human and mutant alike. Due to the fact that humans give birth to mutants, therefore, logic dictates destroy them all to wipe the threat for good. The surviving mutants devise a plan to send someone back in time to stop this terrible future from ever existing.
There was some really powerful scenes when the Sentinels were just unleashing on the mutants, and killing them just brutally. You felt the hopelessness they portrayed as each hero was being struck down one by one. The acting was top notch, and there were a lot of laughs here and there between characters with playful banter. Unfortunately, I can't go too deep about the things in this movie because it might give things away!
The only thing I had a problem with, and this is very small and very trivial. Kitty Pride aka Shadowcat, some how had the ability to send someone's conscience back into the past. I was unaware she had this "ability", but like i said its only something me as a fan had a problem with... so I'm just sharing as a fan.
Final Verdict- 9/10, it was hands down the best X-MEN movie to date. Brian Singer returning as director was the best thing for this franchise. I highly recommend for everyone to see this in theaters whenever they are able too.
More movies to come this summer block buster season, and I will be there for all of them for you guys. This way you know which movies are worth your hard earned money! For now this is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have too!
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