Avengers: Infinity- This storyline, in the comics, was massive, and it had way more characters involved than the movies could allow. It has been 10 years since we all saw the mad Titan show his purple mug during a post credit scene. Many many movies later, Marvel has really spent time developing these characters. My biggest fear, for this movie, was the overcrowding with Marvel characters. The 10 year build up could be too much hype for the movie to be bad ass.
Plot- Thanos has grown tired waiting for his minions to bring the infinity stones to him, so he has decided to take his strongest war band with him. The mad Titan and his faithful followers show no quarter to those opposing them, and Thanos is willing to sacrifice everything to obtain his goal, in becoming a god. Once he has all the stones, he wants to destroy the universe as a sign of mercy to them. He believes life can no longer sustain itself with so many living beings. Unfortunately, for him, the Avengers are ready to stop his sinister quest.
I was wrong in thinking the 10 year build up would ruin this movie. It only made it that much sweeter, and it just flowed beautifully as a story. Even though there were so many characters, it just moved along flawlessly by not being too complicating. Each character had their moment in this film, and the emotions ran high as our heroes engaged this powerful foe. This movie truly shows how Marvel Studios has mastered the formula to deliver an amazing superhero film. The only complaint I have is regarding the Hulk. Thats all I can say without spoiling anything.
The complaints fans had with too many jokes, in the past films, have been altered, meaning the tone was far more serious, and the jokes were there...just not every ten seconds. Thanos is NOT like past villains, which were forgettable, he was complex and didn't appear like a one dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villain. The fight scenes were intense, where you rooted for the heroes.
Final Verdict- 10/10- the movie has so much heart and soul to it. It is not your average superhero movie. Definitely, recommend seeing this in theaters.
Many movies coming out and ill be there to review them as I can...This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!
I feel like it was just yesterday that I was reading your review on Avengers: Civil War. I cannot wait to see this one and thank you for such an awesome review with ZERO spoilers! ��������
Thanks for the review!!! I will see this one.