Friday, June 24, 2016

The Shallows

Hey, everyone, last time I did the kiddie underwater adventure, "Finding Dory", and now I am doing the adult underwater adventure, in the form of an intense thriller. Is this the modern day "Jaws", or was it another flop like that movie "Open Water." Lets find out:

The Shallows- Oh, the very thought of being eaten alive sends chills down my spine, I don't know about you readers. Not to mention being out of my element, like the open waters. Swimming is tough enough, if you don't do it regularly, and then to have something the size of a Buick trying to make you it's lunch. God knows, shark week on the Discovery Channel definitely added a lot to my fear of sea water. Then of course, Steven Spielberg destroyed me as a child with his mechanical puppet shark. Plus, the music from that film seems to creep inside my mind the second I plunge into sea water....even lakes, yeah, my phobia is that bad!

Plot- Nancy, played by Blake Lively, is on vacation with a friend in Mexico. Nancy is heading to a hidden beach, where her mother used to surf when she was pregnant with our main character, so Nancy is wanting to go there to be closer to her mom. Thinking about her mother, who died from cancer, she enters the water to surf, and it is true paradise. Until she stumbles upon a whale corpse, and she starts to head back to shore. She is attacked by a great white shark, and she swims to a small patch of land. From here is woman vs nature with her will to survive.

The movie does a really great job with character development in the first 10 minutes. You learn everything about Nancy, and why she's here at the beach, her being a medical student, and her dealing with her mother's death. The tension is elevated, to an eleven, the second she enters the waters. Each stroke of her hand through the water you think this is where the shark strikes. The anticipation is nerve wrecking, and you really feel for this character.

Final Verdict- 6.5/10, it was a good movie, but not worth the price of a theater. This is one of those great Netflix kinda movies, where everyone talks about at the office around the water dispenser.

From here on I am only going to review the films I want to see until "Suicide Squad" comes out, because movies are expensive, and there are like two more I want to see. That is it for now, this is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Finding Dory

Hey everyone, back again to dive into some of these animated movies of the summer. One in particular for me, because it has that nostalgia feel for me is this one from Disney and Pixar. Lately, animated movies more and more follow the formula making everything for all ages, which has bright colors, flashy things, and cute characters for the children, and hidden adult jokes that fly over children's heads. Now did this one movie hold up to the original, or did I want a refund so I can buy a fish filet from Mickey Ds? Lets find out:

Finding Dory- The big animated genre has moved on from the typical hand drawn style, and full on computer animations. The companies have really focused on story lines to appear to all genders and ages. "Finding Nemo" was a story about a dad who lost everything in a blink of an eye, and became an over protecting father to hold onto what he had left of his family. Once again in this film it's the search of a sense of belonging, and finding ones parents for Dory. Weird, why its called "Finding Dory" when she's trying to find her parents, I dunno, doesn't matter.

Plot- Dory begins getting flashes of her past, even though she has the worst memory of all time. She, finally, can recall something from her past, and its about her parents and past. Dory is overcome to go and find her parents, and asks her buddy Marlin to come help her.

Ok, the movie does many things right. First off, it got the original cast to voice act the fish we remember and adored. Second, the movie really plays at the heart strings so much, by making you laugh one minute, and really sensitive the next. The new character Hank voiced by Ed O'Neill was hands down my favorite of the film. I hope they make a movie called, "Finding Hank". I just love these types of feel good stories, because nowadays we just need them more than ever.

Final Verdict- 8.8/10- Go see this movie with your kids or date night.

Many more titles coming out this summer, and your favorite reviewer will get the scoops for you. This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

Friday, June 10, 2016


Warcraft is a game from the gaming company Blizzard Entertainment, and its has been around for about 20 years now. This is also the first movie based on a video game franchise in quite some time. I have played Warcraft and the huge MMO World of Warcraft, so I was hoping this film would not suck. Mostly, because most films on video games are freaking terrible. Did history repeat itself with Hollywood making another terrible video game movie, or was it something with actual substance? Lets find out:

Warcraft- The story line behind Warcraft is very deep and rich with the struggle for both the humans and the Orcs involved. Honestly, the game has been around since the mid 90s, so there are many fans to please. The Orcs actually weren't just mindless brutes. They are shown to have real emotions and care about each other and their families. They of course have their traditions much like many tribes or people do. Their ways go against how humans go about things, so there is constant tension and war.

Plot- The Orcs' world is dying, so to save their people an Orc Shaman, Gul'dan opens a portal to the human lands of Azeroth for a large band of Orcs to enter. Under his rule, the Orc Clans begin attacking villages to collect the humans to be sacrificed in a ceremony to open the portal fully, which will allow the remaining Orcs to come forth to Azeroth, and help claim this world in the name of the Orc. The human king of Stormwind must come to aid his people in this time of war. As the two races collide both races' leaders begin to question if war is the answer.

First off, the CGI in this film is jaw dropping. The Orcs look amazing. The fight scenes are really something, as you get to see how fierce the Orc can be with their bone crunching techniques. They did well with the character development in this film, so when something happened to a character you actually cared. The little details of the places of Azeroth were done perfectly. Iron Forge, Stormwind, etc. looked just they did in the games. The acting was well done. You even got to see the nostalgic sheep spell.

I enjoyed the film, buuuuuut it felt like half a movie. We went right into the Orcs coming through the portal, and wham bam it was over. Plus, I am assuming the people, that made this film, are thinking this is going to be a huge hit in the box office. Because the ending really isn't an ending! Oh well, I guess we will find out wont we...

Final Verdict- 6.7/10, I enjoyed it, but I could've waited to see it on Netflix.

Really weird how most of the summer's big block busters are already out. There's a few more movies I would go watch in theaters, but I only cover the big ones... cause movies are expensive lol! This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

The Conjuring 2

Busy. Busy. Busy. I was able to see two movies today, so I'll be writing my other review later. For now, lets focus on the horror genre shall we. The first movie scared the crap out of me, and I rated it very high on the Final Verdict. Now sequels rarely live up to the original films, why you ask? I have no idea. The one spin off movie "Annabella" was trash, so I went into the theater with low expectations. Did this movie scare the hell out of me, or did they conjure up some garbage to make a quick buck? Lets dive in:

The Conjuring 2- Directed by, my new favorite horror director, James Wan. The same actors, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson return to portray Lorraine and Ed Warren, a couple that assists in demonic and supernatural cases. Their most intense cases inspired these films, and I was terrified watching the original movie. It got to you psychologically, making it so successful. Main reason why I returned to see this sequel.

 Plot- We begin following the Warrens a few years after the first film. It was the year 1977, the Warrens were assisting in the Amityville killings. Here Lorraine gets a terribly haunting vision, so she asks Ed to stay away from the super natural for awhile. Unfortunately, they can't rest for too long before the church is asking them to go to Northern England to review a case for them. The Hodgsons are family of four children, and just the mother. The youngest daughter is being haunted by some evil spirit, wanting to possess her body. The Warrens attempt to help the family in saving their daughter from the demonic force.

I found myself jumping a lot during this movie; because there was very little down time at all, and it was terrifying scene after the next. There was one scene the whole theater jumped, my girlfriend wrenched my arm so bad she hyper extended my elbow. All directors should take notes from James Wan how to pace a movie to scare the shit out of you! It really tugged at your mind, and the tension was there from start to finish.

Final Verdict- 9.2/10, definitely recommend to see in theaters. This movie saved the franchise.

I have another review coming out tomorrow from the two movies I saw today. For now this is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Turtles in the half shell! TURTLE POWER! Oh, man this blockbuster season has had some big movies come out very early than usual. Already, we have had 3 big budget superhero films, and now this movie is the fourth. Well, did this movie shine outside the shadows, or tonight, do I dine on turtle soup? Lets dive in shall we:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows- Oh, man. When I was younger TMNT was all the rage! Ninja turtles were everywhere! Now, 26 years later, I get to watch them again on the big screen. You have no idea how much that hurt to type out those numbers...sigh, aging! Anyway, these four reptiles are definitely the reason for my inability to never say no to pizza. I am amazed something titled so ridiculous has stood against the test of time, and is still being enjoyed by all ages.

Plot- The story takes place directly after the first film, with Shredder, played by Brian Tee, being transported to a maximum security prison. The remaining foot clan races to rescue their bound leader, and they are successful. Now free, Shredder begins his new plans of world domination with the help of a scientist named Baxter Stockman, played by Tyler Perry. Shredder ups the ante by creating some mutants, of his own, to help battle the turtles, a warthog named, Bebop, played by Gary Anthony Williams and a rhino named Rocksteady, played by WWE wrestler, Shaemus. The turtles struggle to defeat Shredder's plans at the same time come together as a team.

I really enjoy this film over the first film. It was campy like the old 90's cartoon, but it got serious and gritty like the comic books. I found myself laughing out loud a few times from the dynamics of the brothers. This time, they really focused on the turtles, and their relationships of a family growing together. The uniqueness of each turtle's personality really shines here, and it works in so many ways. I was glad the human characters were more in the background. Unlike last time, where it was, "yeah, we have turtles, but look how hot Megan Fox is..." The cast of villains really helped engage me, and it felt like it was DONE RIGHT! The turtles I grew up with were on the big screen, and I felt like a kid again!

Final Verdict- 8.7/10- highly recommend for all ages, and worth seeing in theaters!

Next movie on my hit list, is a movie about a little mmorpg game, that at one time, had over 12 million subscribers. This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

Its a celebration people, this review is my 50th one... holy crap, time does fly, soon I'll be up to 100, but that is a while away. For now, I am here to discuss another super hero film, and this genre really doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. Now Fox, who has dropped the ball a few times with genre already. This newest installment of the X-Men franchise, was it a great movie, or was it a genre killer? Lets dive in:

X-Men Apocalypse- Well, the X-Men have fought some powerful foes before, but their toughest villains of all was Apocalypse. He was the world's first mutant with the power of immortality, and he found an alien spacecraft in the desert. When inside the ship, he bonded himself with the alien technology giving him the ability to manipulate his molecules and concussion force blasts. He also used the technology to upgrade other mutants, he would enslave, to become his four horsemen. Well, that whole character plot was completely thrown out the window, and Fox went a completely different direction. Why do they do this? Why? Why? WHY?

Plot- In the year 3600 BC, a ceremony is taking place for Apocalypse to transfer his consciousness into another mutant, so he can continue living and gain a new power to his laundry list of powers. He is betrayed by the people, seeing him as a false god, and he is buried alive for centuries. He awakes in the year 1983, to find the world is run by "weak gods", and vows to wipe the world. Starting a new one as Apocalypse as the ruler. The X-Men have to come together to stop him.

There was many things I enjoyed about the film, and there were things I hated. The things I enjoyed was the extremely emotional story for Magneto. This poor bastard has been put through the ringer in these films, constantly something tragic happens to him. I'm surprised he hasn't gone on a murderous rampage, but he endures the pain of loss. This makes him the most "human" of all the characters in the movie. The acting was great. All of the cast, were chosen incredibly well, and they all portrayed the characters awesomely. I actually liked Apocalypse's look. It was breath of fresh air to see something NOT CGI, and I think that's probably the best it could've done without it. Of course, the movie had another AMAZING, Quicksliver scene, it doesn't disappoint.

The things I hated, now these are a comic fan gripes, but I despised how Angel was done. The story line with him and Apocalypse is far sinister and disturbing. Now we will never get to see that. Storm was from an African village, not roaming the streets of Egypt, and Apocalypse did not "power bust" Storm, giving her signature white hair. Mystique does not EVER, teach the first class to become X-Men, and if so then why don't remember her in the previous films. Fox you done fucked up, the plot holes are now bigger than the ones in our o-zone layer. Plus, the storyline with the phoenix is one of the best story lines ever in X-Men comics history. This would be the perfect way for Fox to contend with Marvel's Avengers franchise. NOPE! They just take the lazy way out by saying its Jean Grey unleashing her full potential. DUMB! That's why they will never be better than Marvel, because they shit all over the source material. I wish Fox would do what Sony has done, and give the rights back to Marvel....sigh oh, and lastly, YOU CAN"T KILL APOCALYPSE! He is immortal! Schmucks! That's right you threw away that huge factor, never mind!

Final Verdict 6.7/10, If you know nothing about the X-Men, then I'm sure you will enjoy the film, but it will be hard for you if you're a fan. The movie is still worth watching in theaters due to special effects.

Next movie on my hit list has four brothers and a rat, fighting to save New York City once again. This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!