Thursday, June 2, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

Its a celebration people, this review is my 50th one... holy crap, time does fly, soon I'll be up to 100, but that is a while away. For now, I am here to discuss another super hero film, and this genre really doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. Now Fox, who has dropped the ball a few times with genre already. This newest installment of the X-Men franchise, was it a great movie, or was it a genre killer? Lets dive in:

X-Men Apocalypse- Well, the X-Men have fought some powerful foes before, but their toughest villains of all was Apocalypse. He was the world's first mutant with the power of immortality, and he found an alien spacecraft in the desert. When inside the ship, he bonded himself with the alien technology giving him the ability to manipulate his molecules and concussion force blasts. He also used the technology to upgrade other mutants, he would enslave, to become his four horsemen. Well, that whole character plot was completely thrown out the window, and Fox went a completely different direction. Why do they do this? Why? Why? WHY?

Plot- In the year 3600 BC, a ceremony is taking place for Apocalypse to transfer his consciousness into another mutant, so he can continue living and gain a new power to his laundry list of powers. He is betrayed by the people, seeing him as a false god, and he is buried alive for centuries. He awakes in the year 1983, to find the world is run by "weak gods", and vows to wipe the world. Starting a new one as Apocalypse as the ruler. The X-Men have to come together to stop him.

There was many things I enjoyed about the film, and there were things I hated. The things I enjoyed was the extremely emotional story for Magneto. This poor bastard has been put through the ringer in these films, constantly something tragic happens to him. I'm surprised he hasn't gone on a murderous rampage, but he endures the pain of loss. This makes him the most "human" of all the characters in the movie. The acting was great. All of the cast, were chosen incredibly well, and they all portrayed the characters awesomely. I actually liked Apocalypse's look. It was breath of fresh air to see something NOT CGI, and I think that's probably the best it could've done without it. Of course, the movie had another AMAZING, Quicksliver scene, it doesn't disappoint.

The things I hated, now these are a comic fan gripes, but I despised how Angel was done. The story line with him and Apocalypse is far sinister and disturbing. Now we will never get to see that. Storm was from an African village, not roaming the streets of Egypt, and Apocalypse did not "power bust" Storm, giving her signature white hair. Mystique does not EVER, teach the first class to become X-Men, and if so then why don't remember her in the previous films. Fox you done fucked up, the plot holes are now bigger than the ones in our o-zone layer. Plus, the storyline with the phoenix is one of the best story lines ever in X-Men comics history. This would be the perfect way for Fox to contend with Marvel's Avengers franchise. NOPE! They just take the lazy way out by saying its Jean Grey unleashing her full potential. DUMB! That's why they will never be better than Marvel, because they shit all over the source material. I wish Fox would do what Sony has done, and give the rights back to Marvel....sigh oh, and lastly, YOU CAN"T KILL APOCALYPSE! He is immortal! Schmucks! That's right you threw away that huge factor, never mind!

Final Verdict 6.7/10, If you know nothing about the X-Men, then I'm sure you will enjoy the film, but it will be hard for you if you're a fan. The movie is still worth watching in theaters due to special effects.

Next movie on my hit list has four brothers and a rat, fighting to save New York City once again. This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

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