Monday, December 28, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Hey everyone, back again for another review and this time, and I'm here to give my honest opinion on a movie genre stretching over 37 years. Plus, many people could take everything i say way too seriously. Well, without anymore wasted time lets find out if the force was strong with this newest film in this franchise:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens-

I have been watching the Star wars movies all my life. I remember seeing "Return of the Jedi" for the first time when I was nine years old on HBO. Now, 28 years later, this movie basically beats you over the head with nostalgia many parts of the film. Ranging from the Millennium Falcon being  revealed under the tarp to R2D2 beeping away.

Plot- Luke Skywalker has exiled himself somewhere in the universe after he feels guilty from hia students being slaughtered. Everyone is looking for him, either in this time of need the Rebels need his help, or the Sith want to wipe out the last remaining Jedi. A bunch of events that bring together two young people, where they make their own choices, and find out they have great things in their future.

I truly enjoyed the movie, I did, but there were a few things that did bother me. Well, one, the movie is pretty much a remake of "A New Hope." Secondly, where the hell did, the villain find Darth Vader's helmet? Wasn't it burned and destroy in the fire? Thirdly, how easily they took down the new battle station. Lastly, besides the villain being a boy with daddy issues, being a trained person with the force, and how the two heroes were able to go toe to toe with him in a light saber battle. Pretty sad in my opinion.

The acting though was amazing... you truly felt the emotions this time around. None of this grain of sands talk... The moments between the characters was truly well done....

Final Verdict, 8/10, its a great movie, just because of the things that bothered me, doesn't mean it wasn't good. It's worth to see in theaters.

More movies to come... This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

Monday, December 7, 2015


It's time to celebrate for our greatest movie reviewer has returned, yes, Phil Goes to the Movies has returned! I mean, who knew buying a house would suck up all of your financial resources, which left to me unable to do all the fun things I like to do, and with that said, I have come back during the Holiday Blockbuster Season. What better way to kick things off then to start with a Christmas movie of course....sit back as I begin the review:

Krampus- It is an Austrian-German Folk lore about a satanic spirit that would hang around with Santa Claus. Santa would reward the good people, while the Krampus would punish the naughty, and he would punish them by taking them away, never to be seen again. He would mostly take children.

Plot- Its modern day, and the film begins with how things have changed for Christmas, basically, showing how everyone has literally forgotten the true meaning of the holiday. Showing a store called "Much More" on Black Friday...pretty much the chaos you see on Youtube-- people attacking one another over gifts and things. One boy, named Max, still believes in Santa, but when his family shows up for the holidays, his beliefs rapidly change. After he cannot be around his family anymore he secretly makes a wish, and a violent snow storm hits the town. This is where the mystical Krampus comes to claim those whom have been naughty. Here we watch as the family tries to survive from the Krampus' attacks.

Honestly, the movie seemed campy here and there, but it was paced pretty well. I, originally, thought it was going to be a comedy because of actors, Adam Scott and David Koechner; because, both of these guys have been in Will Ferrell movies, but they played actual serious parts. The best part about this film is the CGI was very limited, and this really made the monsters and evil toys attacking so much more scarier. Even the Krampus himself wasn't CGI, I mean, yes they did use some CGI here and there, but they didn't use it when it counted. Yes, the ginger bread men were CGI, which lead to them not being very scary...but really, how can gingerbread men ever be funny?

I enjoyed the film and it really set the tone for the Holiday Blockbuster Season! I wouldn't bring any children to see this film because the evil toys and evil elves might be too much for them.

Final Verdict- 7.5/10, Really well paced, great ending, you should see this movie in theaters, but leave those kids at home.

I am truly back, and I am ready to review more of the holiday films this season... until then This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!