Monday, January 13, 2014

Anchorman 2

Hey, everyone welcome back to another edition of Phil Goes to the Movies, and I will be closing out the holiday season with this film. Yes, there are other movies out right now, but i can see them some other time. Plus, I'm limited on time to see the other films i wanted to review... oh well, lets focus on the movie at hand, "Anchorman 2". Was the movie hilarious? Or should this news team be canceled for good? Lets dive in shall we....

Anchorman 2- I was a big fan of the first film, and remember laughing my ass off when seeing it for the first time. Hell, i still laugh at the jokes to this day, and my friends and I still make movie references and quotes to one another. When I found out, there was going to be a sequel I was excited at the same time concerned. Here's why... It's extremely rare for a sequel, especially a comedy, to be as good as the original, so i went into the theater open minded and eager to see what was in store for me.

The plot seemed to make as much sense as any other Will Ferrell movie, and it appeared to have some thought put into this one. The movie did follow the number 1 rule for sequels, and that is to recast all of the actors and actresses from the first movie. Everyone returns to replay their characters, which i was very happy to see, and of course Steve Carell returns as Brick Tamland, my favorite of all them. The jokes were spot on as I laughed a lot during the film, but the one scene I was almost unable to catch my breath. The scene in the RV, where the news team is all sitting in the back talking about good times, and they realized cruise control doesn't steer only maintains speed. Use your imagination from there.... but it was my favorite scene of the movie!

Plus, there were far more cameos in this film, than the last first movie, and it was so over the top it was awesome. Hell, even the trident makes a return... great stuff!

The one main thing I didn't like about the film, was how they recycled many of the jokes from the first movie. Yes, they were funny! No where near as funny as they were the first time they were used. The Austin Power movies were guilty of this as well, and i guess they figure if it's not broken don't fix it. Now if there was an Anchorman 3, there better be newer jokes!

The movie also seemed to drag on at times with the story, yes it was funny, but it could've been sped up a bit. It was like this up and down feeling, when the movie was good it was good, and when it was bad, you get the point!

Final Verdict- 7.5/10, The movie was good, and it was great to see all the characters again up to all new shenanigans. Unfortunately, I say wait to see this film on DVD, I mean it was good, but not worth 10 bucks to see it.

Well, that's it for now ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for more reviews coming your way. There are a lot of good movies coming this year, and I will be here to review them for you all... For now, this is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have too!

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