Sunday, May 20, 2018

Deadpool 2

Summer Blockbuster season is rocking so far with some big titles hitting theaters. Don't worry I'll be there to review those for ya. Did this one live up to the original, or does it need to be regenerated back to the drawing board? Lets find out:

Deadpool 2- The master of the chimichangas hasn't always been the loved and adored superhero, he is today. It wasn't until writers decided to make his comics into 4th wall breaking hilarity. The sense of humor displayed really hit a home run with fans, and Deadpool became one of the more popular Marvel characters to date.

Plot- Wade Wilson is coping with some traumatic issues, and he is ready to die. The X-Men take him in, under Colossus' watch, of course. While on a mission to stop a raging, young mutant, Wade tries to stop the boy from killing anyone. Deadpool does this the best way he knows how, by killing people, and he is sent to prison with that young boy named Firefist. Meanwhile, a time traveler named Cable, is here to assassinate the boy, because he grows up to be the ultimate super villain in the distant future. Deadpool believes he can get through to the young lad, and protects him from Cable.

This movie is exactly like the first film, and i mean that as a good thing. Of course the plot is completely different, but I am talking about the perfectly timed humor. It is full on gut wrenching laughter, with tears in your eyes, from the jokes. This movie was well worth the wait, and I would definitely buy it on Blue Ray. Baby legs on a grown will understand once you see this film. Plus, luck, really can be a power!

Final Verdict- 10/10. It has everything from laughs, to action, and to sentimental feelings in many scenes. Worth the ticket price, a must see film for this summer.

This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!