Spider-Man: Homecoming- This character is now being played by a third actor and a third attempt to make the web slinger apart of the infamous MCU. I remember seeing the first Spider-Man movie back in 2001. My most favorite parts of that movie was when Peter Parker was in high school. This entire film stays in that part of Peter's career as a hero.
Plot- A band of desperate men have been salvaging the alien technology, from the big battle on New York City. The man in charge is played by Michael Keaton, known as the Vulture. They are taking the advanced technology, and selling it for big bucks on the streets. Meanwhile, Peter Parker is trying to stop them to show Tony Stark he's worthy of becoming an Avenger, yet trying to balance his life as a high school student at the age of 14.
Tom Holland is charming as the character, just like he was "Captain America: Civil War". It was really interesting watching him grow in this film. He is still learning his true powers, so he has a way to go. A new character, Peter's best friend, played by Jacob Batalon, though not in the comics, he really was a welcomed addition. The chemistry between all of the characters really just worked, especially the big brother Tony Stark for Peter. Plus, there was so many references to how hot Aunt May is in these versions!
The action sequences were extremely well done, and holy crap were there alot of them... nothing felt forced or redundant. It just flowed nicely!
Final Verdict- 9/10- Highly recommend for everyone to go see this in theaters!
A few movies coming out this summer, but nothing really grabbing me to go and see... I'm sure ill see a few more before the summer comes to an end. For now, this Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!