Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Now that my semester drawn to a close, i was able to finally get out there and see some movies. Its been awhile since i have seen one, and the inner nerd in me had my sights set on seeing the biggest nerd franchise of our generation. The final installment of "The Hobbit," so did everything come to a perfect ending, or did it shame the franchise that has been going on for nearly 14 years? Lets find out:

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies- As I have previously stated this franchise has been going on for nearly 14 years, and with that, it is odd to see it come to an end. I'm sure, in the future, more fantasy based movies will arise to satisfy people whom enjoy this genre, and put money in Hollywood's pockets. The special effects still blow me away, because these CGI effects are off the chain, and they still get me to say holy crap when something happens.

The Plot- This movie wastes absolutely no time, and takes place exactly after the second movie with the dragon, Smaug, attacking the town. Everyone is fleeing from the town, while Thorin Oakenshield is slipping into madness as the dragon sickness, from the cursed gold, is over taking him. While the Orcs are making their the ultimate attack on the Dwarven city to finally crush the Oakenshield bloodline once and for all.

The acting is top notch like it always has been in every one of these movies. The characters all get their moments to shine as the movie progresses. Then something happened during this movie I never thought would ever ever happen... Legolas actually runs out of arrows, and the face he makes when he does, even he can't believe it! Yes, it true kids, Mr. Infinite Arrows, runs out of arrows, and at the worst possible moment too. Not going to give it away! This movie had a very short amount of slow moments otherwise it was in your face action most of the time. Great fight scenes! Thorn vs. The White Orc on the frozen waterfall, top notch!

Final Verdict- 9/10, definitely a must see in theaters, because the surround sound and big screen does it justice. The characters are all likable, and get their moments to kick some ass!

This is it for now, and the holiday movies keep pouring in, and now that i have some free time I must get to reviewing again! This is Phil Goes to the Movies, so you don't have to!

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